


2015年01月28日 22:54






黃志翔要求李依瑾演戲時「戒掉放大片」,讓李依瑾大呼眼睛變得很赤裸,但也哭得更放心,「不用擔心哭一哭債務清償條例 房貸,還要注意放大片會不會掉下來,以前拍哭戲會小分心注意鏡片,因為如果一邊掉下來的話,眼睛就會一大一小,畫面看起來超怪!」


對李依瑾來說,演這角色最難的不是哭戲,她說:「要忍著不掉淚小額貸款 五萬最難,因為這角色遭遇很悲情,不小心自己就會對角色太同情,但自己詮釋時不能哭得太多。」李依瑾自認演了《新世界》後,自己對人生的看法、演技都到了一個「新世界」,導演黃志翔也私下向她經紀人表示:「謝謝給了劇組一個好演員,依瑾連眼神也有戲。」


By Cheng Hung-ta and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writerThe Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) yesterday moved to cut this year’s budget for the Ministry of the Interior’s National Conscription Agency by NT$8.23 million (US$259,605) for what the party called the ministry’s failure to discipline socialist campaigner Chen Wei-ting (陳為廷) when he was serving as a conscript.In April last year, former Sunflower movement leader Chen refused to bow to a portrait of Republic of China founder Sun Yat-sen (孫逸仙) during a conclusion ceremony at the Chenggong Ling (成功嶺) training camp in Taichung.He was not disciplined by the National Conscription Agency, the KMT said.The agency’s budget should be cut because it failed to uphold discipline in Chen’s case last year, KMT Legislator Yang Cheng-wu (楊鎮浯) said, adding that Chen’s actions were a clear breach of military rules and regulations.According to Yang’s proposal, the agency would lose funding for its educational and vocational programs for conscripts performing civilian alternative service, as well as funds covering other administrative costs in the program, such as stipends for lecturers and rent for venues.The KMT has proposed more than 1,000 motions in connection with the unfinished general budget review for this fiscal year, not including motions that were withdrawn after negotiations.Democratic Progress Party (DPP) Legislator Lee Chun-yi (李俊俋) criticized the move on Facebook.“To boycott the general budget review for the 2017 fiscal year, the KMT has proposed thousands of ludicrous motions to stall negotiations,” Lee wrote.The motions include a proposal to cut the budget for fire-alarm systems in public residential projects servicing disadvantaged groups, Lee said.“Attending meetings with these people is a trial of patience and wisdom. The extraordinary session is ongoing and we will pass this trial,” Lee added.Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全) convened a legislative session yesterday in the hope that KMT lawmakers would reconsider “delaying motions” which had stonewalled passing of the budget review, adding that the review must be passed tomorrow if the government is to rubber stamp a budget before the Lunar New Year holiday.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

(中央社記者黃巧雯台北17日電)經濟部推動翻修產創條例,經濟部工業局長吳明機今天表示,希望將國營事業研發占其營收比重逐步提升至1%,除了有助增加高附加價值就業機會,還可以帶動相關產業創新活動。 工業局今天公布今年7大施政重點,包括強化與東南亞及南亞各國國家雙邊產業鏈的整合;持續推動智慧機械產業發展,投入發展國產控制器;產業創新條例翻修;籌辦今年9月在台舉行的世界資訊科技大會;推動循環經濟,藉由完善規劃的能資源整合鏈結系統,以最少的能資源使用創造最大的經濟效益;協助田園式生產聚落合法化;推動台美產業合作再連結等。 經濟部大幅翻修產創條例,草案目前已送至行政院,翻修重點包括國營事業研發占其營收比重逐步提升,吳明機表示,若能提升至1%,國家每年至少新增100億元以上研發預算,除了可增加國營事業投入發展新技術誘因,還可創造5000個高附加價值就業機會,並帶動許多相關產業創新活動。 吳明機以中油為例,目前研發占其營收比重僅0.2%,未來將與各國營事業主管單位討論逐年增加的幅度,透過增加研發投入,他看好國營事業可望成為技術人才培育場所,這些人才未來也可進一步擴散至產業界。 另一方面,產創條例中活化產業用地部分,吳明機表示,若新投資案有用地需求,對於閒置用地將祭出強制買回措施,未來產創條例修法通過後,將與內政部協調,希望能將都市計畫工業區一併納入適用。 為協助田園式生產聚落合法化,工業局透露,正研擬「小型產業園區開發補助辦法(草案)」,補助小型產業園區基本公共設施開發成本,廠商就地參與開發,降低廠商購地成本。 工業局官員表示,將打破過去大面積開發工業區的做法,補助對象將鎖定滿足既有工廠對公共設施需求,但這類工廠需完成合法化程序,也就是說,協助違章工廠合法化。 官員指出,還希望補助地方政府開發小型產業園區,包括樹林柑園、五股與泰山交界的塭仔圳、彰化交流道特定區等地都是潛在位址,或針對公共設施不足既有工業區,協助進行補強,以提高工業區土地利用率,將有利招商。 另外,因應政府推動「5+2」產業,工業局表示,將持續推動智慧機械產業發展,投入發展國產控制器,中高階控制器出口占比由105年10%提高至12%,並預訂今年2月7日在台中舉辦智慧機械推動辦公室揭牌儀式。1060117

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